How pandemic have affected the jobs?
Pandemic has paved a new way to live life. It has forced billions to lose their jobs and find a new way of earning.It has affected the economy of every country including the powerhouse of world-USA. Both workers and bussiness are facing catastrophe in both developed and developing countries. Almost 3.3 billion people have lost their jobs due to virus . The worst affected is the service sector.People have gone to pot as they have no money but only need food for existence . The automobiles, fashion, restaurent and airline industry have been the worst hit .As people are staying at home only and not going out . The people who live hand to mouth existence are in the dire need of job as this pandemic has put halt to every activity .Economies are struggling to cope with the fallout of crisis. This has led to an elevation in unemployement causing the aggravation in crime.Indian GDP was expected to become 5 trillion in 2020-2021 but instead of that there has been a contrasting decrease in ...